Frankly speaking , this surgery is indicated only in the most early stage of hip arthritis occurring because of decreased blood supply in the ball portion the femur(Thigh bone). The successful result is obtained in those patients who come in their earlier stage of the disease when the changes are The surgery offered for such patient is known as CORE DE-COMPRESSION.
The surgery involves making 3-5 drill holes in the neck and head of the femur which helps in decreasing the intra-osseous pressure (pressure within the head or ball portion of the thigh bone) and in that way the chances of re-vascularisation can be increased.
Before coming to the decision of the surgery, MRI of the hip joint is advised and Dr. Tarkik will do the detail evaluation of the MRI to classify your disease and if it is stage 1 or 2, the surgery can be planned.
Once the diagnosis of the arthritis is made and decision for Core De-Compression is taken, the patient undergoes detail laboratory evaluation along with the consultation with physician, cardiologist and the anaesthetist. Once the optimization is done the patient will be posted for the surgery.
Before the day of surgery your limb is prepared with specialised solution. On the day of surgery again the specialised wash is given to the limb as a part of protocol made by Dr. Tarkik Amin. You will be given a dose of antibiotic.
The surgery usually takes around 30-5- minutes.
After the surgery ,patient is kept in recovery room till the advice by Dr. Tarkik.
Patient is kept non-weight bearing till further advice given by Dr. Tarkik which ranges from 3-4 weeks.
Till recovery patient remain in close consultation with Dr. Tarkik.